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Music for the heart…but not for the hips

Southside Café

1980 was a fantastic year for British rock music. In the wake of the punk, a new wave of pop music emerged that combined the youthful energy of the punk with musical refinement. I was still a child, but totally absorbed by the many great albums that saw the light of day, such as “Kaleidoscope” by Siouxsie and the Banshees, “Kings of the Wild Frontier” by Adam and the Ants and “New Clear Days” by The Vapors. And in October 1980, U2 released their debut album “Boy”.

“Boy” is a remarkable album in so many aspects. It has an energy that is almost physical. The music is alarming due to the aggressive and unique guitar playing by The Edge and bombastic drums by Larry Mullen Jr. And on top of that: Bono on vocals. Although I didn’t understand the content of the lyrics, Bono sang in a way that convinced me that every word and syllable were...well, important.

A lot of people like to dance to music. Not me. If I have a choice, I rather go for strong melodies and energy rather than groove and dance-ability. Ever tried to dance to anything by The Beatles? Impossible. “Hunky Dory” by David Bowie? Great album, but it will not make you stomp your feet. “Boy” by U2 is one of many albums that are great without being at all groovy. “Boy” is about clenching your fist. It is music that evokes the feeling that all the world's problems can be solved with youthful compassion and faith in mankind. It is music for the heart and mind, but hardly for the hips. Love it.

Our forthcoming single, Life on Mars, may have borrowed the title from a David Bowie classic, but more than anything, it´s inspired by the early 80s and albums such as “Boy” by U2. And if you suddenly feel an unconditional desire to clench your fist on August 23, then you know why.

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