”Until the Ghosts All Fade Away” is undoubtedly the most played song right now from our album Ghosts. It is also one of our own favourites. At the same time, it was one of the most difficult songs to complete. We knew it had potential but in what way? Should we make it a slow song or up-tempo? Should we make a minimalistic arrangement with only piano and vocals, or did it need a heavier arrangement (we often try to keep things simple but somehow always end up with quite bombastic soundscapes)? In times of doubt, modern computerised studios is a good thing. It´s easy to break down a mix and start again. And we did that several times with “Until the ghosts all fade away”. Actually, the only thing that went smooth was Anders vocal takes. He sang amazing already at the first attempt. I guess that’s what happens when the lyrics really comes from the heart…
